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Stephen J. Cannell has written his most explosive novel yet filled with wry humor, murder, lust and dead-on Hollywood characterizations—Watch and pass on the At First Sight trailer today!
Alex Haley's Roots influenced an entire generation, young and old, to search for their heritage and discover from where they came. The book is as relevant today as it was when it was first publisher thirty years ago. Spread the word that Roots: The 30th Anniversary Edition is now available by sending the E-card today!
From New York Times bestselling author Greg Bear comes Quantico, a gripping near-future thriller set in a world that is both dangerous and immediate. Known by his fans as a master of Science-Fiction, Bear explores new terroritory with this heart-pounding tale of suspense that's presents a future that's closer that we realize. Read, understand, and prepare…Send the e-card!
David Morrell is the New York Times bestselling author of twenty-nine books and considered by many the father of the action novel. View the E-card for his latest thriller, Scavenger, and take part in the hunt for a 100-year-old time capsule. And don't forget to send the E-card for his award-winning Creepers and enter the world of the Paragon Hotel where urban explorers risk all to revisit a past that no longer exists.
Dan Burstein’s "Secrets" series has more than three million books in print worldwide. Fans of The Da Vinci Code phenomenon will want to view and pass on these E-cards featuring Secrets of the Code as well as Secrets of Mary Magdalene, where the intriguing questions that were raised by Dan Brown's bestselling novel are explored and explained.